Bespoke research
Bespoke research is project-based work with the scope defined by the client. There are several areas of cement, clinker, and cement related sectors that can be examined on behalf of our clients.

CemBR’s recent bespoke research projects have included:
Cement related areas and sectors
- Conventional and alternative fuels
- Carbon related topics
- Cement and clinker substitutes
- Upstream and downstream sectors (limestone, aggregates, Readymix, etc.)
- White and Green cements
- Cement Equipment and technology
- Energy efficiency benchmarking
Specific market issues and questions
- What is the cost structure of an integrated or grinding plant?
- What is the industry cost curve and resultant profitability?
- What is the sphere of influence of a specific plant or company?
- What is the position of the authorities regarding inward investments in cement related projects?
- What if any is the climate change legislation that might affect the operations of the cement industry?
- Should one vertically integrate in each market and why?
Cement investment related areas
- Who are and why potential targets for acquisition in a market?
- What insights might one draw from recent transactions in the sector?
- What are the funding alternatives for an investment in the cement sector?
- How to define integration synergies?
The depth and level of confidence derived by our bespoke research work is high and supports our clients in developing their strategy and investment plans.
Examples of bespoke research by CemBR
Contact us with your bespoke research requirements