The ultimate “intelligence” provider in the global cement sector.
accurate research & data, insightful analysis and unparalleled industry expertise.
What does CemBR provide?
The range of “intelligence” into the cement sector consists of the following aspects:
Global trends
understanding and mapping
Intelligence Platforms
The CemBR Intelligence platforms address several aspects of the cement and cement related global sectors providing data, insights, and intelligence to cement related professionals of unparalleled depth, accuracy, and relevance.
The CemBR Intelligence platforms are currently provided in two ways:
1) Web accessed, subscription-based databases and intelligence platforms.
2) Forecast reports covering global cement and clinker.
They include

The most comprehensive cement related database and intelligence platform in the world.

CemBR Forecasts
Five-year forecasts and extensive data and insights at global, regional, and country level for cement. Capacity additions, supply-demand, utilisation rates, and international trading.

CemBR Clinker
Five-year forecasts and extensive data on plants, kilns, clinker capacity, clinker trading, and clinker supply-demand and utilisation rates at global, regional, and country level.
Under development

CemBR’s global integrated plant benchmarking simulation tool. Based on extensive database on kilns, fuels used, technology, carbon emissions, and resultant cost structure.

The most comprehensive cement related carbon database and intelligence platform in the world

The most comprehensive seaborne trading database and intelligence platform (inc. full data on terminals)
Bespoke research
Client defined work on specific aspects of cement and cement related sectors.

Bespoke research covers many aspects of cement and cement related sectors including in-depth examination of specific markets, white cement, carbon related topics, trading and shipping, clinker and cement substitutes, technology, and cost structure and many more.
Knowledge Hub
Free access to our Knowledge Hub where you will find our latest news and updates, extensive downloadable content, our articles and blogs, and our webinars. You will also receive our targeted emails with updates on cement related issues.
Latest news

July 2023
News and events that affect our industry – June 2023
We provide here several news and events in the cement sector – globally on a monthly basis. In this month: Bangladesh, Belgium, Cambodia, Chile, Colombia, Germany, India, Kenya, Lithuania, Nigeria, Oman, Pakistan, Peru, Qatar, Russia, Saudi Arabia, South Korea, Turkey, Ukraine, USA, Uzbekistan, South Africa, Keywords: Supply, Demand, Imports, Exports, Pricing, Carbon, M&A.

May 2023
The Green Cement Conference | Unlocking Data Driven Net Zero Transition
Join the Experts. Join our forthcoming conference and hear from the following industry experts:
Ian Riley – CEO WCA (World Cement Association)
Dimitrios Koufos – Head of Sustainable Business, Industry, Agribusiness and Commerce (ICA) – EBRD
Eleftherios Charalambous – Partner McKinsey & Company | Global Co-lead of cement service line
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